google search

8 Simplest Tricks to Delete Copied Content from Google Search

Plagiarism Declines Ranking:

Plagiarism is the biggest havoc to any website. The website of whose content is stolen faces off declined ranking in SERPs. The curve of its online traffic begins to move downwards.

The commonest reason for copying is to publish quality content in the shortest span. It’s an illicit practice since the sourcing site’s ranking may depreciate. On the other hand, the chances are stronger that the website containing copied content is enjoying higher ranking than the original one.

To whom should the person report for it?

Many websites remain blind to duplicity of their content. But they may lose their valuable online traffic. Such diversion can be advantageous to the duplicate content website. So, be a smart website runner. Use Google search bar to find it out.

Content duplication is worthy for penalty. Report it to Google.It penalizes such websites through Panda effect. Also, it can remove them completely from the web-index.

What are the steps for deleting copied content?

Google does not stop crawling to the duplicate content because it tracks the duplicate content. Even, robot.txt file can’t stop its crawling. On page optimization in SEO would be faded if the website content is not original.  Here below points can help you to delete such content.

  • Trace duplicate content:Tracing duplicity is a walkover. You can use search bar of the search engine. Put the content in it and press ‘enter’. Alternatively, you can choose any plagiarism checking tool, like Plagiarism Checker & CopyLeaks etc.. Many such tools are available for free.
  • Report it to the search engine:Draft a mail for copied content. Drop the complaint to Google.
  • Use 301 redirects:Restructure the website. Design 301 (page) for redirecting users. Create it in .htaccess file. Call not only users but also the Googlebot and other spiders to the redirected page.
  • Use country’s top level domain:The trailing suffix in the urls identifies the level of the domain. The last suffix based on country’s name is known as top level domain. It can be .au (for Australia), .in (for India) and so on. It determines the most appropriate version of the document. For example, carries India based data. Its top level domain .in clearly states it.
  • Tell Google your preferred domain:Preferred domain enables Google index the pages of the site. For doing so, go to the Search Console Home page and select your site. Click on the settings icon. Move to the ‘Preferred Domain’ section and select your website’s domain.
  • Use parameter handling tool:Copyrighting restrict copying of the content. Almost all websites highlight a disclaimer for highlighting their content’s copyright at the bottom of the page. But instead of using a detailed copyright policy on every page draft a short & hyperlinked disclaimer. On clicking it, the user will land on its detail. In addition, use parameter handling tool to pick up the most relevant url out of many synonymous urls of a website. For example, /women/cosmetics.htm,
  • Use noindex meta tag:Empty pages are placeholders in a website. The user searches relevant information. On seeking blank page, he/she gets disappointed and moves to another website. If your website has any such blank page, use noindex meta tag for denying crawling of the search engine. It denies indexing of the page in the web.
  • Comply with the rules of content management system:Don’t create multiple pages with the same content. It goes against the rule of content management system. For example, if an e-commerce website has separate pages of cosmetics for selling in various cities, collate them and create a page with the choice of multiple cities.  Or, create original and different content for different cities.

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