
Simple Tips to Start Outstanding Paid Ads via Google Adwords

Which is the best advertising platform to outreach for branding today? Well, you don’t need to have second thoughts to call ‘Google’ as its answer. Yes, it’s true. It’s the most reliable & consistent traffic puller. For a ton of leads, the biggies of corporate world and politicians have started making a huge rush to it.

Why do people prefer to rush to Google Adwords?
To answer this question is no big deal. Around 64% of the online users prefer it to click and explore what they intend to. It sounds like going bananas that over 1 billion times a day people hop to this search engine. You can’t believe that 97% of the total business leads are generated through mobile advertising. Since its accessibility is across all kinds of networks, biggies love to perch on this landscape. Their reliability pays off since at least hundreds of leads in the form of clicks out of the millions of visits fall into their account.

What they exactly do is to grab eyeballs with the stunning ads as the top 4 and bottom 2 places are reserved for the ads in the SERPs. It’s hard to believe but only 40% of the visitors know that those displays represent paid advertisings in Google Adwords.

And last but not the least fact, the advertiser needs not pay hefty amount unless anyone clicks (PPC) or makes impressions (CPM) on it. Even a small entrepreneur can yield profit on a shoestring. You can know more about PPC & CPM by clicking here: (link of the blog/article- How to calculate Google Adwords Ad QC and CPC).

How to ‘create Adwords account’?
1. A gmail account is the mandatory requirement for setting up this account. If you don’t have, create it through
2. Subsequent to the foretold step, you need to hop to Either Google it or go squarely to Google Adwords to start Google ads.The window will let
you sign in if you have an existing account.
3. If you don’t have, click sign up now hyperlink at the bottom of the page. It’s basically for the new users. As you click on the sign up, you have to navigate several
settings, like Create Google account, Set time zone and currency & Verify account.

The new user should have to navigate all settings step by step.
Let we catch a roundup of all settings which look ordinary but mandatory.
Firstly, we look for ‘how to create Google account’.
Let’s begin with the guidance to setup its settings appropriately.
Under the title “Which best describes you?”, these two alternatives will pop up with radio buttons:

• I have an email address and password. I already use with Google services like Affiliate, Youtube or Google+.
1. It’s for existing adwords account holders.
2. As you select it, one more dialog will appear under the question “Would you like to have a single account for all google services?”
3. If you would like to use existing Google account for services, click the first option.
4. If you would like to choose new login name and password just for adwords, go for the second alternative.
• I do not use those other services.

1. This option is for the beginners.
2. Select it to move to the next setting page.

How to ‘set time zone and currency’?
It’s the following step of the foregone one. It allows you to specify the time zone and currency of your country.
Its settings are no can of worms. Within 2 steps, you will be done. Let’s go through what these are under Select a permanent time zone for your account:

• Time zone country or territory: Select the country where you want to run the paid ad campaign. For example, USA, France, India, UK and so on. The drop down list would
help you choose your country.
• Time zone: Specify the time by selecting it from default time as per various territories or countries.
Afterwards, just on specification is left to set up, i.e. of selecting a permanent currency for your account.
• Choose the currency as your selected country from the dropdown menu. It can be USD, AUS Dollars, and rupees and so on.

Finally, verification is occurred. Google will send a verification code via a call or SMS. Put it in the field and you would be the authentic account holder eventually.

Once the settings are all done, you can sign in to your Adwords account.

How to ‘create your first campaign’?
This is the second step that lets you walk through four phases to create your first ad campaign.
Let’s get started with the clicking on ‘create your first campaign tab’. It is also divided into two segments, i.e. select campaign settings & create an ad group.

Easy tips to ‘select campaign settings’:
1. In General, you need to specify the campaign name. It can be the product(s) or service(s) that you want to target through the paid ad. You can run many campaigns but separately.
Let’s say, I want to sell ‘SEO Services’, I would set it as the campaign name. If my prospective is to sale handbags, I should name it as ‘Ladies/Women Handbags’.
This trick will enable you to track the performance of your campaign via analytics easily. Also, the inflow of traffic will be higher.

2. The next step is to set the ‘type’ of online ad campaign. As a beginner, you should select ‘Search network only’ as it would be standard for you.
However, ‘display and network’ type is the most powerful setting but only for particular businesses. Therefore, if you are unsure for what to choose, go with the suggested network only.

3. Subsequently, you should go with ‘Standard’ which is a default setting in parallel to the ‘type’. Its rest alternatives are meant for advance ad campaigns which digital marketing experts use mostly.

4. Moving over to the next setting of ‘network’, Google Search Network and include search partners would be ticked by default. Uncheck the second check box because it is
viable for huge budget.
A check on to the ‘Google search network’ lets you be searched on hundreds of websites, including Google Maps. So, it’s the best alternative to navigate to hundreds of websites
and millions of visitors in the short fragment of time. You can determine if your campaign runs perfectly or needs improvisation.
Under ‘Devices’, adwords allows the smooth running of campaign on various devices, like laptop, ipad & mobile phones.

5. For setting ‘locations’, you need to brainstorm the target location. It allows you to specify the geographic for running your ad campaign. Suppose I want to sell ‘SEO Packages’ to the audience of UK, I will click on ‘let me choose’ option. And then, I can input the name of the country, territory, state & city specifically.

6. Under the ‘language’, you can specify the language that you want to use in campaign. Since English is universally accepted and comprehended, it’s the coolest idea to let it be so.

7. Walk through the ‘Bidding & Budget’. It lets you set the bids manually but only if you are going for advanced campaigns.
As the beginner, you should go with the default settings of bidding strategy. Thereby, the Adwords will take care of your bids setting for maximizing click.
Under ‘Budget’, you should begin with minimum amount. If you keep it under $100, it will be fine. And once the campaign starts letting you yield handsome number of leads, you can swell it up. Bear in mind that you are not the only bidder who is bidding for the particular keyword. Your competitors could be there to auction for the same. Eventually, Google determines the winner bidder on the basis of daily bids, relevancy and consistency with the landing page.

8. The last setting of ‘ad extensions’ provides you the best opportunity to add relevant information of your business. After walking through the mention of physical location, site link, phone number and Google+ account, the prospective visitor would develop faith in you.

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