Mobile Ads

Steps to Enable Google Ads Call Reporting At Account Level

Google has already made it a walkover to pitch the customers for leads and conversion. It has gifted webmasters a way to promote your brand via Google Ads. However, you have to pay a little bit for keywords bidding.

Even though, it has never been easier than today to make your brand visible in a short interval. You can stick a call extension with your online ads. This extension is crucial, if you want your audience to call on or contact. You can insert your contact details or an official phone number as the call extension.  It empowers your customers to ring up and inquire about the intended product directly.

Besides, you have to look into how much time the web design of the landing page takes to load. It’s what the on-page optimization is all about. It’s no big deal to win some deals and yield a fat profit out of them.

What do you mean by Google Ads call reporting at account level?

Google ads need no introduction. Go through the boxed prefix Ad in green colour on the top of the searches. The landing page will be the URL suffixing that word.

If you’re new to the phrase “Call Reporting”, it is a way of online tracking of your ads performance.  It works when Google forward numbers (of the ringing up leads) for assessing when call extensions or call-only ads on the Google Search Network generate calls. The search engine automatically assigns the number when this setting is enabled.

Simply say, you can track how your ad’s call extension performs. It allows you to catch the number of impressions your call ad received, phone call received and the Phone through Rate (PTR). If you want to keep eyes on the start time, end time, missed or received calls, area code of the caller and call type of each call, this kind of reporting allows you to assess.

The digital marketing experts sweated when it came to assessing call-reporting of multiple call extensions. They had to turn it on to enable individually for each call-reporting and call-only ads. They adjusted its settings for reporting at the ad level. It was, indeed, challenging to deal with. Each time, they must turn on and off particular settings to ensure reporting for each ad.

Now, the webmasters and online marketing geeks don’t have to do so.

Google Update: Enabled call reporting at the account level from September, 2018:

  • When you can enable call reporting?

Google has announced that call reporting is possible at the account level. Although it’s not a default setting, yet one can easily enable this reporting for certain ads.  Say, you have turned the tracking on for an ad. And, you have some more ad campaigns going on. The call tracking for other ads will also be on.

  • When you cannot enable call reporting?

Along with it, the advertisers should know that they can’t retrieve once they have turned the settings ‘On’. It means that once you have enabled it at the account level, you have to switch it on completely across your entire account.

  • How you can set up call tracking?
  1. Log in to your Google Ad account.
  2. Navigate to all campaigns.
  3. Browse ‘Settings’ in the left-side menu.
  4. Open ‘Account Settings’.
  5. Turn the ‘Call Reporting’ On.
  6. A warning will pop up informing that you can’t be able to change the call reporting at the extension level.

Are phone calls and phone calls conversion similar?

The phone calls can be considered like an ad impression. It is when (date) a user interacts with the ad. He notifies it, but doesn’t call practically. On the other hand, the phone call conversion is when the user calls on the Google Forwarding Number. The user goes for the latter action when he intends to inquire directly.

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