Google Maps 2017

5 Metrics That Tell How to Rank Higher on Google Maps 2017

The competition in the market has gone wild. Traditional marketing patterns have started fading out gradually. Digital marketing is stretching its wings all around. And, online services are taking the entire world by storm.

So! How is it happening? What’s the cause of saying goodbye to the age old sale-purchase patterns? Well, a customer wishes for convenience, updated products/services, drop-shipping as well as quality. Digital marketing has sheltered all these wishes. Consequently, this kind of marketing is set as the latest trend.

Where there are many sellers, there would be cut-throat competition. It’s an online war where the battle goes as ‘sites versus sites’. Popping at the top in the Google Maps is their ulterior motto. Let’s catch a few metrics that together make it to the top on the search engine map.

1. Completely optimized responsive website: In online business, the site acts as the platform to do window shopping or snoop in what services you provide. Interactivity reflects through its highly developed window where chat-bot helps translating conversation between seller-n-buyer into conversion.

How can we skip its ‘responsiveness’? The exclusiveness to be resized as per size of various devices’ screen, like monitor, mobile phone, phablets and so on makes it out-of-the-box. Bear in mind that online integrity of any business would land it in the global market where alone Asia has 1,873, 856, 654 internet users in 2017. And if we talk about the global internet users, they are 3,731, 973,423 according to World Internet Users Statistics. Now, it’s crystal clear that roadmap to Google Maps in this year would route through a well-designed responsive website.

2. Optimized urls: Deriving the best and effective outcome from a site routes from urls aka Uniform Resource Locators. Can you ever be able to catch the letter if the address it reads is incomplete or inaccurate? This is the very role that the url serves. The traffic won’t be able to land on the targeted page. Without traffic, online presence is absolutely useless. So, check on the urls that:
They should be readable.

* They have hyphen in between the words/numbers/special characters except underscores.
* They should have no use of caps.
* They read the top post/content in the root folder.
* They avoid bad links.
* They should be mobile friendly & reflect in the sitemaps.
* They don’t have duplicity. If have, correct it through canonical urls.
* They reflect 301 redirect if the old one is permanently removed.
* They should have a favicon to represent your unique brand.
* They must have the targeted keywords in their structure.

3. Integrated blog: A blog offers wide space to splash in the pool of latest information. You need not chew bullets while giving demos in person. Just upload a video demonstrating ‘how-to’ do. And you are done! Catch the blog section of PayTM. By uploading latest integration to its existing mobile and desktop app, it creates an utmost interest that turns on goodwill. But it must be optimized as well.
* Follow the url-structuring as said in the above section.
* Insert target-keyword in the title, headings, sub-headings, anchor text, title as well as meta-tags but in natural way.
* Infuse keyword in the Alt text description.
* Don’t forget mentioning link of reference (if any).
* Attach an RSS or Feed Subscription Buttons to create followers of your blog.
* Provide social media windows to let in the traffic through Twitter, FB, LinkedIn and G+.
* Do add reviews section for staying connected to the users.

4. Contact page: Providing contact details builds up trust as it forwards your authenticity. Having a physical warehouse has no value until people don’t have an access to its authentic address. How to rank higher on Google maps 2017 actually links to the explosive leads that convert eventually. To make it happen,
* Add full address and contact details
* Attach a few images of your business premises.
* Create a call back widget to record potential clients’ details.
* Avail live-chat option for providing personalized touch to support.
* Chat with them through email if instant answering is not possible. Just pop a widget to record the visitors’ email. Keep it short and simple.

5. Reviews/testimonials: Testimonials and reviews mirror what your clientele experience. Users have so many good as well as bad things to share their experience. They determine your reliability, potential and quality. It’s obvious that the happy customers would have lots of words to praise while bitter experience results in grudge to spit and warn others. In the nutshell, they are impact-makers.

These points are not the end but the initial point to let the users interact with the excellent experience. Once they become habitual of tasting this kind of UX by you, they would hook to your website. These activities would scale up your online reputation in the search engine. Finally, nobody can stop you climbing on the top of the Google Maps in the year 2017.

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